Hari Pencegahan Bunuh Diri Sedunia, Gronya Somerville Kenang Kakaknya yang Bunuh Diri

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MATA INDONESIA, MELBOURNE – 10 September diperingati sebagai hari pencegahan bunuh diri sedunia. Pebulutangkis Gronya Somerville mengenang kakaknya, Julian, yang melakukan bunuh diri.

Melalui Instagram pribadinya, Gronya membagikan cerita tentang kakaknya, Julian, yang meninggal dunia pada 15 Januari 2019 karena bunuh diri. Julian meninggal di usia 30 tahun.

Dalam video yang diunggah, Gronya menyebut, kakaknya melakukan bunuh diri saat dirinya tengah bertanding di turnamen Malaysia Open 2019. Gronya mendapat kabar tersebut dari ibunya.

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It is also R U OK Day in Australia ? This was hard to talk about and I was worried about what to say, how much details to add, trying not to make it about myself, not to use the wrong words. So I will just write the rest… My brother took his own life in 2019 after many years battling mental health issues such as schizophrenia, depression, bipolar. This was the hardest thing myself and my family has gone through. Having to see him struggle with things within him that he couldn’t control. Despite knowing he had the purest and most innocent child-like heart (even becoming vegan over the last few years and moving worms out of his skate path), he was rid with these demons and couldn’t live the life he deserved and when he started to get other health issues it became too much for him. One of the hardest parts was watching my Mum have to care for her only son, see him suffering, her being traumatised from certain episodes. To now having another kind of suffering, comforting her after his death, all the triggers around the house and the void now he’s gone that’s even bigger when I am travelling for sport. As an athlete we of course have pressure to compete and perform, conduct ourselves in a certain way and this can have many adverse affects on athletes well-being. But like everyone, outside of our jobs we have a family life, a social life, a story that people don’t know about. Though we somewhat appear strong and resilient, we are just as vulnerable as any other person. So from all this, sport has given me an outlet and escape both mentally, physically and literally when I get to travel and live these two seperate lives. But both these parts of my life have made me who I am and my brothers passing has made me see each new day as something to be so appreciative of, to make sure the people around me know how much I love them, to try and leave everyone I meet better off for crossing paths. For today, and hopefully everyday, check in on your friends and family, seek help if you need it, use the resources that are out there to create a support system and just be grateful for all the little blessing each day brings. Much love, Gronya ❤️ #RUOKDAY

A post shared by Gronya Somerville – Badminton? (@gronyasomerville) on

“Kakak saya bunuh diri di 2019 setelah bertahun-tahun berjuang melawan masalah mental seperti schizophrenia, depresi, dan bipolar. Ini hal tersulit yang harus saya dan keluarga alami dan melihat kakak saya kesulitan menghadapi hal tersebut dalam dirinya dan tak bisa dikontrol,” tulis Gronya.

“Meskipun memiliki hati paling murni dan tak berdosa seperti anak kecil, dia tak bisa menjalani hidup selayaknya dan ketika dia mengalami masalah kesehatan lain, bebannya terlalu berat untuk dia. Salah satu hal terberat adalah melihat ibu saya mengurus putra semata wayangnya, melihat dia menderita, dan itu membuatnya trauma,” tambah Gronya.

“Sekarang ada penderitaan lain yang dirasakan, dimana saya harus menghibur ibu saya setelah kematian kakak saya, semua kenangan di rumah dan kekosongan yang terjadi setelah kakak saya meninggal. Penderitaan ibu saya semakin besar ketika saya harus pergi ke luar negeri untuk bertanding.”

Tak ingin kejadian kakaknya menimpa dirinya, Gronya memilih olahraga sebagai kegiatan untuk mencegah pikiran negatif atau sekadar melupakan masalah.

“Olahraga memberikan saya pelarian baik secara mental, fisik, dan ketika saya harus bepergian ke luar negeri dan menjalani dua kehidupan berbeda. Kedua kehidupan ini membuat saya seperti saat ini dan kematian kakak saya menjadikan saya menghargai hari demi hari dan memastikan semua orang di sekeliling saya tahu betapa saya mencintai mereka,” lanjut Gronya.


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