Alhamdulillah, Tenda Haji yang Terbakar di Mina Bukan untuk Jemaah Indonesia

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MINEWS.ID, JAKARTA – A tragic event occurred in Mina Monday, August 5, 2019 in Saudi Arabia time when the tents of the Asian pilgrims were on fire. Alhamdulillah, the fire did not reach the Indonesian pilgrim tents.

This was confirmed by Amirul Hajj Indonesia Lukman Hakim Saifuddin. According to Lukman the fire could be localized.

“Yes, yesterday there were a few incidents of tent fires in Mina but the scope was small, occurred during the day and it happened in tents to be inhabited by pilgrims from Central Asia, South Asia from India, Pakistan, Myanmar, Burma,” he said Tuesday August 2019.

So he asked the pilgrims from Indonesia to remain calm and not panic at the news.

Moreover, the fire did not cause casualties or injuries. Only small events that can be overcome directly.

On Sunday, August 4, 2019 a video of a fire in a number of tents in Mina was viral and circulated widely among pilgrims from Indonesia.

Many of them then asked questions and wanted to get certainty about the burning tent.

The video was recorded by people who speak Arabic and heard several Arabic conversations on the backdrop of black smoke hovering over Mina’s distinctive white tent curtains.


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