Lirik Lagu Baru Agnez Mo – Promises

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MATA INDONESIA, JAKARTA – Agnez Mo baru-baru ini merilis lagu baru berjudul ‘Promises’ yang bernuansa ballad. Lagu ini sebenarnya telah lama direkam, sejak beberapa bulan lalu.

Lagu ini sengaja dirilis Agnez Mo untuk mengingatkan bahwa pesan-pesan cinta sangat penting digaungkan di tengah situasi sulit akibat pandemi Covid-19 yang melanda dunia saat ini.

Berikut lirik lagu Promises karya Agnez Mo:

I know I say I will change
If you pull through for me
But I’m back to my ways
By the end of the week
Try to stand on my own
But I fall to my knees
You’re the shepherd
That leaves the 100 for me

By myself I may try my best
But my best ain’t good enough
When my faith ain’t strong and I can’t go on
And there’s no one else to trust

You’re the one who always keeps your promises
Over again and again and again and again
Even when I fail you keep your promises
Over again and again and again and again

It’s not over til you say it’s finished, oh no
And I know that if you said it, you meant it
Lord, on my own I would lie
I would steal, I would cheat
But you sent down your son
So I could be redeemed
Before I even ask, you provide what I need
When the battle seems lost, you still have victory


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